Monday, January 4, 2010

Your 2010 "Personal Blueprint": Making it Stick

Last week you looked at your Personal Blueprint, assessed your levels of satisfaction with its various components, and chose the changes you want to make to it in 2010. Now, let’s look at the final step.

Step #4: Make the Changes Stick!

Be strategic about your 2010 Personal Blueprint! Remember the clichés about New Year’s resolutions? Avoid them with a few simple principles:

  1. Build incrementally by starting one new action at a time. Take one action the first week, wait at least one week until you add the second action (it’s up to you when to add the second action. Don’t pressure yourself. The best time to add the second is when the first one feels natural, which for most of us is anywhere from one to four weeks), then a third action, etc. This way, you avoid overwhelm and create true change.
  2. Be clear about why it’s so important to you to develop that new Personal Blueprint (why do you really want to go from a 2 to a 5 in the area of Wellness)? Answer that question for yourself, and you’ll find the motivation you need to take the action you want.
  3. Consider narrowing down your actions to simply the top three, or even the top one. Better to make true and lasting change in one area than temporary change in several.
  4. Create a system to see you through. The best “system” is a person. Ask a friend who understands what you’re doing to hold you accountable on a regular basis. If no one fits the bill, create a progress journal and make note of your “action activity” at the end of each day (you’ll wind up looking forward to this moment and feeling extremely satisfied at the end of the day when you get to log your progress!). Either way, you are more likely to follow through if you need to report to someone, whether a friend or to yourself.

You’ve considered your Personal Blueprint, you’ve chosen actions to improve it in 2010, and you have ideas for making it stick. As you move into the New Year and gear up to take action, focus less on where you are now, and more on that next action you’re going to take and that rating of 5 you’re going to achieve. Keep your eye on the goal!


  1. This is the perfect follow-up to last week's Personal Blueprint posting. A week in, it's easy to feel bogged down and discouraged already; your words are a pep talk with real substance.


  2. This is the perfect follow-up to last week's Personal Blueprint post. A pep-talk with substance, just when the "slog" feeling was setting in!
